We are pleased to present our 3D rendering of NUS Baba House – a faithful digital recreation allowing you to virtually tour the Baba House and view the various artefacts on display – which each have information points that expand to share more about the provenance and history of each artefact. Do consider using full-screen mode for the most immersive experience! 

Behind the virtual Baba House

In order to bring together disparate information about various facets of the Baba House, NUS Baba House partnered with the Urban Redevelopment Agency (URA), and technology partner Twinlogic Pte Ltd, utilising Building Information Modelling (BIM) to document and map the property. This is the first time BIM has been used for the management of heritage conservation in Singapore, to archive, document, identify, assess and mitigate intervention risks. BIM is currently used by some real estate developers to market properties, and as part of a requirement by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) for new building projects.  

Behind the scenes, BIM preserves critical information about the Baba House, ranging from the immovable assets of the built infrastructure, research work on different areas of the house, condition checks and conservation mitigations on the property itself. BIM enables Baba House staff to track a wider range of information tied to specific items or locations in the Baba House, as well as operational tasks such as facility management. For example, staff are able to record any restoration work done on a particular wall, or segment of flooring, detailing the traditional materials and methods used in conservation and restoration, as well as intervention risks and mitigation measures. The record is not limited to static content such as text and images, but can also be linked to videos. 

Baba House Neighbourhood Project

Recognising that the Baba House exists in a site-specific context, the Baba House Neighbourhood Project extends pioneering use of digital efforts beyond the auspices of the Baba HouseCreated with ArcGIS StoryMaps, the Baba House Neighbourhood Project brings together varied information on the history, architecture, dynamics, and social history of Tanjong PagarIt brings the entire neighbourhood to life through a series of maps, images, texts and drawings, showing the many-layered and intertwining stories of the neighbourhood, inviting visitors to reflect on the history of the area, and spark fresh insights and inquiries. The project also serves as an extension of the Baba House tour experience, providing visitors with a richer experience, and even facilitating access to tourists from all over the world.

Visit the Baba House Neighbourhood Project and discover the fascinating history of the Baba House and its surroundings.